
Surah al hashr 21 24 benefits
Surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

Neither darkness nor ignominy shall cover their faces. 2) Whoso recites this surah would get the reward mentioned in its verse 26: "For those who do good is the best reward and more. (10) YUNUS 1) Whoso recites this surah once in two or three months would have no fear of going into the camp of those who live in ignorance (infidels) and Allah would raise him on the day of judgment in the group of the favorites of Allah. 2) Whoever writes this surah on paper and keeps it in his headwear or on his body would be safe from thieves if there is a fire in neighborhood no misfortune would befall on him. (8) SURAH ANFAAL 1) Ayah 8 for stomach ailments 2) Intercession on Qiyama 3) Fulfilment of hajat (9) AL BARA-AT OR TAWBAH 1) Whoever recites this surah Allah would keep him safe from falling a victim to hypocrisy.


(4) SURAH NISA 1) 7x for love between two people 2) Safety from squeezing in the grave (5) SURAH MAIDA 1) Ayah 54 on sweet for love 2) Forgiveness (6) SURAH ANAAM 1) If written with saffron and drunk, free from all ailments (7) SURAH A’RAAF 1) If worn, then safe from enemies and wild animals 2) Once a month recitation – no fear on Qiyamah 3) Veil between shaitan and reciter. (3) SURAH AALE IMRAAN 1) Fertility treatment for women 2) Ayaat 8 & 9 for migraines 3) Ayah 145 for backache 4) Increase in sustenance if worn 5) If recited on Friday, rahma of Allah and angels ask for forgiveness for reciter. 7) One’s family, life & property will be protected if the first four ayaats are recited, then ayatul kursi, then the last 3 ayaats. 4) Recite to keep Shaytan away 5) The person who recites this will not forget Allah (swt) 6) The one who recites this with Surah Aale Imran will have shade on Qiyamah. 3) Recite Aya 165 on food that is sweet and feed it to the displeased person. 2) Recite Aya 107 three times for pain in the shoulders. (2) SURAH BAQARA 1) Recite Aya 72-73 for chest pains. 7) recite surah al Faatiha to cure any disease save the deadly disease which is the cause of the inevitable death. (1) SURAH AL FATHEHA As its first verse is nearer to isme azam (the great name of Allah) than the white from the pupil of the eye there is praise of Allah in the beginning, tawheed (oneness) in the middle and prayer in the end no salat is valid without its recitation it is superior than all the treasures stored in the arsh, Shaitan runs away whenever it is recited therefore: 1) recite 70 times to remove pains and ailments 2) recite 7 times or seventy times keeping the mouth near the forehead and putting the right hand on the forehead of the sick person, then surely recovery is guaranteed 3) recite bismillahir rahmanir rahim to stay away from the burning fire of hell 4) recite bismillahir rahmanir rahim to receive the recompense of four thousand virtues for its every letter, to cancel the punishment of four thousand transgressions and to occupy a position four thousand degrees higher than what you deserve 5) while crossing the pule-sirat (bridge to paradise) whoever recites bismillahir rahmanir rahim would hear a voice from the flames of the fire, saying: "O believer, your light has put off my heat." 6) When a teacher teaches bismillahir rahmanir rahim to a child the merciful Allah grants amnesty from punishment to the teacher and parents if they have sinned. Surah Name Al-Fatheha Al-Baqara Ale-Imran An-Nisa Al-Maida Al-Anam Al-Araaf Al-Anfal At-Tawba Yunus 5) Recite Ayatul Qursi every time after returning home because it keeps away poverty. 3) Recite Ayatul Qursi every night at bed, this creates one angel who will guard the person till morning 4) Recite Ayatul Qursi every time after doing ablution (wuzu) this will raise person 40 times in rank from each word. 2) Recite Ayatul Qursi 40 times every day at the time of sunset, person will get reward of 40 hajj. An-Naas prevents the Whispering of the Devil.īenefits of Ayatul Kursi 1) Recite Ayatul Qursi at the time of leaving house because 70000 angels protect person from left, right, front and back and if a person dies before returning he will get 70 martyrs reward. Al-Kaafiroon prevents the State of Disbelief at Death (Kufr at the time of death). Al-Kauthar prevents Enmity (the word "enmity" comes from the word "enemy").

surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

Ad-Dukhaan prevents Calamities on the Last Day.

surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

Yaa-Seen prevents Thirst on the Last Day. Al-Faatiha prevents the Anger (ghadab) of Allah `azza wajjal. BENEFIT OF SURAHS (ALLAH KNOWS BEST) 10 IMPORTANT SURAHS! 1.

Surah al hashr 21 24 benefits